Thursday, December 10, 2020

AHS S2 E6 Pre-Post

 I'm not gonna lie to you, the last episode was so upsetting I thought about not continuing on. Shelley is in tremendous pain and begging to die. Lana is in a HORRIBLE state, and...I stumbled onto a MAJOR spoiler for her that made me wonder if it was even worth seeing everything out.

However, I am intrigued. Much of what's happening is based on reality to some degree. These things Happened. Some of it is still happening. And THAT'S a Big part of what makes it so hard to watch. Doctors have done experiments on people. People have been beaten and hurt for their sexuality. The vulnerable are abused in institutions of every kind. I've seen it. I've lived it.

Hhhhh. I guess keeping that in mind, I wanna know what happens. I want these characters to get justice. I hope they will, even though I'm guessing happy endings are rare in the AHS universe.

On with it~

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