Saturday, December 5, 2020

American Horror Story S.1 Ep.11

Aww Nora loves children so much.

Oh Nooooo.

Everybody making plans lol πŸ˜… I guess it's good to have goals. πŸ’€

Billie Dean is a trip.

I know what happens when someone dies in that house but what about being born? Is it all horrible?

Violet was chanelling Carrie White in that window.

lol remember your breathing, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

LOL If I'm ever on the verge of death, and the only thing holding me to the land of the living is BEN...Yeet!

Awwwww mother and daughter ❤

lol Violet cries like a little kid and something about that seems Perfect for this character who's trying so hard to be strong/older.

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