Thursday, December 17, 2020

American Horror Story Season 4 Freak Show Final Thoughts

 Overall, I liked this season. My favorite parts were that they gave Sarah Paulson 2 heads, that's hilarious. I thought she did an amazing job.

I loved Kathy Bates' character, she was a lot nicer than in last season when she was a talking head for a bit 😅That happened as well, let's not forget.

Jimmy was the character I felt worst for. They really put him through hell, and he seemed lost for a while. I'm  glad he got a happy ending.

Dell was the character I went back and forth on. While Stanley, Maggie, and Dandy were the bitches I loved to hate.

I don't feel like Maggie QUITE deserved the ending she got. Switch around her fate with Dandy's and that feels more right.

I'm surprised I forgot about Mr. Clown as quickly as I did. I thought he was going to be a more present character in the story. I was pretty relieved to see him go, however. That was STRESSFUL.

I was DESTROYED by Pepper's backstory. I think that was one of my favorite parts. Sister Mary Eunice popping up was a nice feeling. Like finding a friendly face during a horrible time.

I'm really excited to start season 5 Hotel! I'll make a post about that soon. 🧡

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