Friday, January 1, 2021

What I Think It'll Be About: American Horror Story Season 8: Apocalypse

 I still can't believe I tore through 7 years of content in the month of December 2020 alone. 😅Nearly to the finish line. I know it's not technically a race, but my mind is going like crazy lately, so it's nice to have something like this to keep me out of trouble. Anyway! Let's look at the Season cover:

There it is! Immediately I am brought back to season 1. The final scene. Constance and Tate's baby. DUN DUN  DUN

Are we finally coming full circle on that? I don't know what the plot for this season will be. I know a lot of our favorite characters are coming back. Favorite actors are coming back, playing multiple roles. I don't know if Jessica Lange is appearing but we can ALWAYS hope. <3

If I had to best describe what I think Apocalypse will be....maybe it's like an American Horror Story *Remix*. That's the vibe I get!
Now, let's go punt some demon babies or some shit!

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American Horror Story S8 Apocalypse E6

Imagine being trapped in this teenage angst bullshit for 10 years. NONE of the coupled people in this house even like each other...