Thursday, December 31, 2020

American Horror Story: Cult Final Thoughts

 What. a. rollercoaster!

I don't think this was ever going to be my Favorite season, for the themes alone. For a long while I wasn't able to watch TV. Now that I do again, it's usually to ESCAPE from all the bullshit. But I do get why this season is important. I can only imagine what it might have been like if it had been made this year, in 2020 rather than back in 2017.

Quick side note, was 2016 the year there were just hordes of clowns running around for no reason? "It" was probably being made or coming out, and some people said it was a marketing thing for that or something similar. If so, that makes more sense in the show. It's crazy to remember. πŸ˜…

Moving on!

Ivy and Winter were the bitches I loved to hate this season πŸ’–It's not an easy job getting everyone to despise you, but Alison Pill and Billie Lourd did a great job.

I found Winter to be more sympathetic because...she wasn't the one cheating on her partner, or destroying her family. In fact, she was hanging onto her family with all she had- despite it killing her, literally to do so.     

Beverly muthafuckin Hope! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
I'm sorry- can we the thing πŸ™ˆReally quick!
I've enjoyed Adina Porter's work on AHS so far. I noticed she hasn't gotten an award for it yet, but I see she's coming back for season 10. I'm going to make the bold statement here and now that 2021 is gonna be her year. Make it happen, Hollywood!

Speaking of severely underappreciated:

I can't say what it must be like to play every major cult leader in the span of a season. To throw yourself into a whirlwind of hate and anger that is (apparently) the opposite of your true nature. Dammit, Hollywood, would you show the man some love!
Gotta love on Sarah Paulson as well for facing many of her irl fears/phobias this season. That must have been insane. I really enjoyed Ally's transformation. The ending broke my heart. To have fought so hard, I don't think she truly escaped Kai's grasp in the end. Really, I guess that's the true to life ending. Things DO stay with you. I dunno. I'm sure there's hope for her and little Oz.

I don't know what to expect for season 8. I THINK Evan & Sarah weren't present for that season? So I'll have to try very hard not to skip it. πŸ˜…It took me a long time to give this show a try. Now that it's my favorite thing ever, I'm trying to be more open to new things.

I heard they both may have directed an episode though? I'll have to keep an eye out for that!

Now, off to ring in the new year! Happy 2021! πŸŽ‡πŸŽ†

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